Micro Wedding vs Traditional Wedding | Atlantic Canada Wedding Photographer

The concept of a micro wedding, also known as an intimate wedding, has gained popularity in recent years (and truthfully, some of my favorite weddings have been “micro”!). A micro wedding is a small and intimate wedding that typically has less than 50 guests. While many couples choose to have a large and traditional wedding, there are several benefits to having a micro wedding - let’s talk about it!

A More Intimate Experience

One of the primary benefits of having a micro wedding is that it creates a more intimate experience for the couple and their guests. With fewer people in attendance, couples can spend more time with each guest and create a more personal and meaningful experience. Additionally, a micro wedding allows for a more relaxed and informal atmosphere, which can help couples feel more comfortable and at ease.

Cost Savings

Another benefit of having a micro wedding is the cost savings. With fewer guests, couples can save money on many aspects of their wedding, including the venue, catering, and photography. This can allow couples to allocate their budget to other areas, such as a cruise around Italy or a down payment on a home!

More Venue Options

Micro weddings offer couples more venue options. With a smaller guest list, couples can choose from a variety of non-traditional venues, such as a backyard, a beach, or a park. This can allow couples to have a unique and personalized wedding experience that is tailored to their interests and preferences. Some of my favourite venues for micro weddings in Nova Scotia are Oceanstone, Harbour Mist, The Halifax Club, Bull Point Estate and Tangled Garden.

Less Stress

Wedding planning can be stressful, especially for couples who are juggling work, family, and other commitments. A micro wedding can help to alleviate some of this stress, as there are fewer details to manage and fewer guests to coordinate. This can allow couples to focus on what's most important – their love for each other – and create a more meaningful and enjoyable wedding experience!

Better Quality Time with Guests

Finally, a micro wedding allows for better quality time with guests. With fewer people in attendance, couples can spend more time with each guest and create more meaningful connections. This can allow guests to feel more appreciated and valued, which can make for a more memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone. With a smaller guest list, your photos will take less time and you can get back to celebration earlier to soak up every last minute together.

Bride crying on wedding day at Keith's Brewery Market in Halifax Nova Scotia.

While a micro wedding may not be for everyone, it is a great option for couples who want to create a meaningful and personalized wedding experience that is focused on their love for each other. If you are having a micro wedding in Nova Scotia, I would love to be your photographer!